Bellyflop News

Infographics: Making your facts sexy
Infographics are important for making complex information easier to understand in an engaging design. An infographic can make your job a lot easier, whether that be trying to communicate how

Back from Broadcast
Hello it’s Jonathan here, back at Bellyflop HQ after a busy period working across various different broadcast TV jobs. Some have already been transmitted, such as Do The Right Thing for

Why did people go on ‘Jeremy Kyle’?
The government committee chairing an inquiry into reality TV has said ITV “failed in its responsibility towards reality show contributors”. I’m quite relieved we have moved on from ‘The Jeremy

Reality Bites – Legal precedent for TV?
A recent court case decision in Australia could have a huge impact on the relationship between reality TV subjects and the TV companies and broadcasters that make the programmes they

Creating a Buzz: Coldplay
It’s four years since the last Coldplay album. In that time the way we listen to and buy music has increasingly changed to online and on demand, with us even

Is your business ready for Instagram’s changes?
Instagram are going to be rolling out new features over the next couple of months that could possibly change how small businesses use the platform altogether! Bye bye “likes” Instagram

Celebs on the Ranch
Back in November I spent three weeks in Arizona working as the Series Director on a new Channel 5 show called ‘Celebs on the Ranch’. It featured ten familiar faces
How do you compare the value of a video?
I’m interested in finding out about peoples perception of value when it comes to video marketing vs printed materials so just want to throw this out there for comment, can

Celebs on the Farm
A new TV series that I produced and directed starts on Monday 20th of August at 10pm on Channel 5 and 5 Star. I started Bellyflop 12 years after my