Bellyflop News

The Other Side of Google Street View
Google Street View is a handy tool for anyone who is looking for a good way to look around and get the feel for either; an office, a school or

Why Customers Should Visit the Edit!
Claire Stott of Orbit Developments tells us why visiting the edit benefited her and her film. Transcript: Hi, I’m Claire from Orbit Developments, we are a commercial property company based

Using a Teleprompter When Making Video!
In this vlog, Carol tells us about how using a teleprompter when making video can be beneficial for all parties. Transcript: Czesc, tutaj Carol z BellyflopTV or in English

Why Visiting the Edit is Beneficial for your Film!
In this vlog, Sammi, Senior Editor at Bellyflop TV talks about the advantages of customers visiting the edit. Claire Stott of Orbit Developments gives her testimonial about how visiting the

Why an Apprenticeship at Bellyflop TV worked for me!
The team at Bellyflop TV have recently filmed themselves in blogs and each week we will be publishing them to give you an insight into our world! Here’s our apprentice

Using music in videos
Virtually every single film we make we have music of some description in the background. Music helps us in a number of ways; it keeps the film moving along, it

Photography for added value
On almost every film shoot we do, we also take photographs- of people, places, and products. We use photos in the video edit if we need a close-up static shot

Are you too ugly for video?
Virtually every film we make features people – from call centre staff talking about their work, to the patients of healthcare professionals giving testimonials. On a film shoot we can

Social Media Vanity V Sanity
Just as turnover is vanity but profit is sanity, the same goes for your online presence. Doing lots of stuff online through social media and having many connections means nothing