Professional Voiceover with Alison Shore

As part of our video package, we offer professional voiceover – but is it effective at getting potential customers to watch your video?

We talked to Alison Shore, a professional voiceover artist about hers work with us and how getting a voiceover recorded works.


Alison Shore VO artist

This is Alison, you can follow her on Twitter here. (Photo: Alison Shore)

Q. How did you get into this kind of work?

Almost by chance! I was searching the net looking for franchise opportunities when I came across someone called Gary Terrza, a continuity announcer for Channel 4 and well established and respected Voice Artist.  I did what perhaps what one shouldn’t really do without prior research and immediately signed up to one of Gary’s training sessions.  I duly pitched up in Central London to what from the outside looked a very nondescript almost seedy looking building and pressed the basement buzzer anxiously working out my escape route should it be needed.  There was however no need to worry, imagine my relief to discover inside a shiny, fully kitted studio, the lovely Gary and Anthony the engineer.  We recorded a few demos which made me appreciate that voice over is most certainly not something you can pitch up and just do.  I have since invested in a vast array of training both for my voice and technique as well as the technical skills required to ensure I can provide broadcast quality audio from my home studio.  I am so glad I took the chance and went for the voice opportunity and not the personalised chocolate wrapping franchise which was coming in at a close second.

Q. What is a typical working week for you?

I currently work part time alongside my voice work and though hard, the two do tend to sit well together.  I spend an hour or so every morning checking and responding to emails relating to my voice work and then tend to record in the evening and often late into the night when things are very quiet.  A lot of work tends to come in from abroad which means I can liaise with places like the US in real time.

Q. Which Bellyflop TV videos have you voiced, and do any stick in your mind for any reason?

I have just voiced my first video for Bellyflop TV so rather like your first love, The Stockport Review will always stick in my mind.  It has been an absolute pleasure to work with the Bellyflop TV Team.


You can listen to Alison’s voice in the Stockport Review EXTRA film here.


Q. What’s the process in recording voiceovers for Bellyflop TV?

Carol at Bellyflop will send a script to me via email and I will read through it a few times, have a look at the client Company’s website to get a feel for any previous projects and raise any questions.  I will then record a few rough takes to get idea for intonation and timing, mark up my script and then record several takes then choose the best for submission.  I will then edit and tidy the take removing the dreaded tumble rumbles and mouth clicks and send it to Bellyflop for approval.  I feel it’s imperative to have a good a relationship with your client and always be willing to tweak and retake if necessary in order that everyone is satisfied with the end result.  

Why do you think professional voiceovers for website videos are effective?

Video is such a powerful way for clients to highlight themselves in their own words and in situ and can bring their organisation to life rather than just being seen in a brochure.  A professional voiceover can aid this process by bring the text to life, underpinning the video as the voice of the organisation reflecting its culture and ethos.


Click here to visit Alison’s website and read about hers voiceover work.


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