Blogging is an integral part of any digital marketer’s repertoire. To stay relevant and drive traffic to your website and your business, you need to stream fresh, new content constantly. Fortunately, with the growing popularity of digital marketing, plenty of resources can help you start your very own blog.
To succeed as a blogger, you need to understand the three pillars of blogging: content, frequency, and engagement. Keep reading if you’re ready to learn how blogging can work for your business! We’ll be exploring the critical concepts behind blogging, how it can benefit your digital marketing strategy and how you can re-purpose your blogs for maximum impact!
What is Blogging and why blogging matters?
In a nutshell, blogging is the act of publishing content to an online community. A blog is content posted regularly, usually daily, weekly or monthly.
Blogging can be done with any type of content, be it text, photos or video. The most popular formats are text blogs with images and with videos. Video blogging, though, is called Vlogging; that’s a whole different blog post!

Why Blogging matters and is Important for Your Business?
For many businesses, the desire to start a blog stems from a desire for more traffic to their website. However, blogging for traffic is a very short-sighted strategy. To build a steady stream of visitors to your website, you must consistently provide valuable and engaging content.
When you blog, you’re sharing your thoughts with the online community. Visitors to your site will read and potentially engage with your content, which will help build your reputation within the industry and as a digital marketer. Once you begin to develop an engaged audience, it will grow as people share your content readers will come to you.
How to Start a Blog for Digital Marketing
If you have a brick-and-mortar location, you can quickly start a blog on a computer. However, if you’re operating exclusively online, you’ll need to follow specific steps. To get started with a blog, you’ll need a WordPress website. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, and it’s the easiest way to get started with a blog. You’ll be able to manage your blog and all the content you’ll be publishing there.
Once you’ve set up your WordPress website, you’re ready to publish your first blog.

The 3 Pillars of Blogging
When it comes to starting a blog, you’ll want to make sure you’re familiar with the three pillars of blogging: content, frequency, and engagement.
These three pillars shape the entire blogging experience and are essential to effective blogging.
Content: Keep it current and engaging, and stay on topic! If your blog title infers the blog is all about your passion for Barbie dolls, don’t then write about your other passion for collecting china teapots. The two subjects are different so keep each content stream in a separate blog.
Frequency: This is tricky, keeping up with writing blogs regularly. The hope is that your readers become accustomed to your schedule and look out for your blogs, however often they are posted, so decide on a plan, whether it is every Monday or the first of each month and try to stick to it. Reader beware, though; it can be harder to do than it sounds.
Engagement: Write about what you know and if you’re not sure about something, then research your content. If the quality of your blog is poor, then readers will not return. If you have a niche interest, then that is fine. Engage your audience with your expertise in your niche. Make it informative, entertaining and stimulating, and your readers will return.
Getting the most from your blog
If you have spent time writing your blog, then understandably, you will want to get it seen so it can start having an impact on your digital marketing. After the blog is published, though, there are a few ways in which you can drive more traffic toward it. Re-purposing your content and sharing your blog on social media channels can help increase your exposure. Here are a few ways to get more eyeballs on your blog.
Clip your blog into social media posts. – Pick some critical points from your blog to make the content snappier and convert it into easily understood content, including captions for Instagram images, tweets for your Twitter channel, and text posts for your LinkedIn audience.
Turn your blog into a Vlog! – Your blog can serve as the base script for video content. Don’t just read it word for word but make it more conversational and engaging. The idea is not to look like a newsreader but to appear relaxed, approachable and an expert in your field.
Make your blog the basis for a podcast. – If video is just a bit too daunting for you to start with, try podcasting. Your blog posts can become the basic script for your episodes. Again, it would help if you made it more conversational, but you could achieve that by bringing someone else into your podcast and discussing your blog’s content.
Add your blog to a newsletter. – Instead of a sales pitch under the veil of a newsletter, add your blog instead. If it is informative and engaging, it will positively affect your marketing as your clients will hopefully see you are trying to help them by sharing your knowledge and expertise.
Collate your blogs into an E-book. – It sounds like a big ask to write a book. If you are a small business owner and blogging weekly, you will have a decent amount of content by the end of the year. The content can be added to an E-book with lots of helpful information for your clients and prospective clients. The E-book could be a valuable resource for you, your marketing, and your audience.
Key Takeaway
With more and more people turning to the internet to find out about products and services, it’s essential to have a voice on the web. Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and engage with your target audience. When you blog, you can also create content to support the written text, whether images or video. Informative and engaging content can help you shine as an expert in your field. Good luck with your blogging, and be sure to subscribe to not miss out on our next insightful blog.
6 Ways to re-purpose your blog content: